Nibiqu iPad keyboard not much thicker than a Smart Cover

Nibiqu keyboard

The keyboard case, which is 0.14 inches thick, will be available in five different colors.


Tablets are dandy just as they come, but sometimes you can really stand to have a keyboard at your fingertips. You can carry around something like Apple's wireless keyboard or a fat case with a keyboard built in. Or you can get behind the Nibiqu iPad keyboard project on Kickstarter.

I don't really know what Nibiqu stands for, but I do know it's mighty thin at less than a quarter inch in thickness. It doubles as a case, but the most compelling aspect is the full keyboard with keys that depress. The maker is advertising it as "the thinnest keyboard for your
iPad," though it may have some competition in that department.

There are no batteries and no need for Bluetooth. The keyboard connects into the
tablet's docking port. The whole contraption weighs 7 ounces. The Nibiqu will be available with either an English or a Spanish keyboard if the Kickstarter reaches its $100,000 goal. Early bird pledges start at $89.

Overall, the Nibiqu looks like a sensible option for avid iPad typists who don't want to haul around a chunky keyboard and aren't satisfied with the heft of the currently available keyboard cases. It may be in the running for worst tech product name of 2012, but I won't hold that against it.

Nibiqu keyboard

Get all touchy-feely with the Nibiqu.


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Nibiqu iPad keyboard not much thicker than a Smart Cover