Bang With Professionals goes out with a whimper

It was all over before it even began. So sad.

Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

There is a sudden trend for casually obtained sex.

By "casually," I mean effortlessly, entirely without trying or even seeming to try.

The New York Times noticed it, describing how contemporary dating in New York is little more than the booking of an appointment.

Then along came "Bang with Friends," a site that, as a famous British ad campaign once held it, does exactly what it says on the tin. Or at least claims to.

Hot on its stilettos, there appeared Bang With Professionals, a site that decided to refine the casual sexual urges of the masses.

It claimed that it could "anonymously find co-workers ready to get more intimate with you."

It claimed it could do this by dipping into LinkedIn.

Some wondered whether there might be obstacles in this quest. One could imagine that LinkedIn might not have warmed to this attempt at bringing warm bodies together to make a fire.

And so it has proved. Bang With Professionals now has a notice on its home page, headlined: "We all had a good laugh."

The notice continued: "We all knew it was only a matter of time before our API key was revoked. Well, it just was! Don't worry, your data was safe all along. We just deleted all of the user ids and the only thing that will be left is this landing page."

One wonders about the proportions of disappointment versus relief that greeted this announcement.

More Technically Incorrect

You will feel as giddy as an administrative associate on their first day at work on Wall Street when I tell that LinkedIn issued a statement.

As reported by Computerworld, the company thought long and hard and decided that Bang With Professionals was "inconsistent with the goals of our developer program."

There's development. And then there's development.

The people behind Bang With Professionals want developers -- or even real, ordinary human beings -- to have hope.

They explain in their parting words that they garnered 73,281 visitors. And, to set up the site, they paid a mere $40 for stock images, $12 for a domain name, $5 for a Couldflare account and absolutely nothing for Appengine hosting.

You see, the Web makes business -- and sex -- very easy indeed.

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Bang With Professionals goes out with a whimper